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七夕专题 ‖ 简讯:“我们的节日•七夕”市民协文艺志愿服务活动在金山湖公园举行
作者:    来源:    日期:2023-08-24 14:01:37







八月的天气变化无常,阵雨来得快去得快 ,雨后的金山湖清凉爽快、山明水秀、风光旖旎。


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<script type="text/javascript" src="chrome-extension://eilkilgemogpkebfmhkkapogkiijikli/load.zh-cn.js" cachedvt="// ==UserScript== // @name Video Together 一起看视频 // @namespace https://2gether.video/ // @version 1688269767 // @description Watch video together 一起看视频 // @author maggch@outlook.com // @match *://*/* // @icon https://2gether.video/icon/favicon-32x32.png // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { const language = 'zh-cn' const vtRuntime = `extension`; const realUrlCache = {} const m3u8ContentCache = {} let roomUuid = null; const lastRunQueue = [] // request can only be called up to 10 times in 5 seconds const periodSec = 5; const timeLimitation = 15; function isLimited() { while (lastRunQueue.length > 0 && lastRunQueue[0] < Date.now() / 1000 - periodSec) { lastRunQueue.shift(); } if (lastRunQueue.length > timeLimitation) { console.error("limited") return true; } lastRunQueue.push(Date.now() / 1000); return false; } function skipIntroLen() { try { let len = parseInt(window.VideoTogetherStorage.SkipIntroLength); if (window.VideoTogetherStorage.SkipIntro && !isNaN(len)) { return len; } } catch { } return 0; } function isEmpty(s) { try { return s.length == 0; } catch { return true; } } function emptyStrIfUdf(s) { return s == undefined ? "" : s; } let isEasyShareBlackListDomainCache = undefined; function isEasyShareBlackListDomain() { const domains = [ 'iqiyi.com', 'qq.com', 'youku.com', 'bilibili.com', 'baidu.com', 'quark.cn', 'aliyundrive.com', "115.com", "pornhub.com", "acfun.cn", "youtube.com", // -- "missav.com", "nivod4.tv" ]; if (isEasyShareBlackListDomainCache == undefined) { const hostname = window.location.hostname; isEasyShareBlackListDomainCache = domains.some(domain => hostname === domain || hostname.endsWith(`.${domain}`)); } return isEasyShareBlackListDomainCache; } function isEasyShareEnabled() { try { if (isWeb()) { return false; } if (isEasyShareBlackListDomain()) { return false; } return window.VideoTogetherEasyShare != 'disabled' && window.VideoTogetherStorage.EasyShare != false; } catch { return false; } } function isEasyShareMember() { try { return window.VideoTogetherEasyShareMemberSite == true; } catch { return false; } } const mediaUrlsCache = {} function extractMediaUrls(m3u8Content, m3u8Url) { if (mediaUrlsCache[m3u8Url] == undefined) { let lines = m3u8Content.split("\n"); let mediaUrls = []; let base = undefined; try { base = new URL(m3u8Url); } catch { }; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i].trim(); if (line !== "" && !line.startsWith("#")) { let mediaUrl = new URL(line, base); mediaUrls.push(mediaUrl.href); } } mediaUrlsCache[m3u8Url] = mediaUrls; } return mediaUrlsCache[m3u8Url]; } function fixedEncodeURIComponent(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace( /[!'()*]/g, (c) => `%${c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}` ).replace(/%20/g, '+'); } function fixedDecodeURIComponent(str) { return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } function isWeb() { try { let type = window.VideoTogetherStorage.UserscriptType; return type == 'website' || type == 'website_debug'; } catch { return false; } } /** * @returns {Element} */ function select(query) { let e = window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.wrapper.querySelector(query); return e; } function hide(e) { if (e) e.style.display = 'none'; } function show(e) { if (e) e.style.display = null; } function isVideoLoadded(video) { try { if (isNaN(video.readyState)) { return true; } return video.readyState >= 3; } catch { return true; } } function isRoomProtected() { try { return window.VideoTogetherStorage == undefined || window.VideoTogetherStorage.PasswordProtectedRoom != false; } catch { return true; } } function changeBackground(url) { let e = select('.vt-modal-body'); if (e) { if (url == null || url == "") { e.style.backgroundImage = 'none'; } else if (e.style.backgroundImage != `url("${url}")`) { e.style.backgroundImage = `url("${url}")` } } } function changeMemberCount(c) { extension.ctxMemberCount = c; select('#memberCount').innerHTML = String.fromCodePoint("0x1f465") + " " + c } function dsply(e, _show = true) { _show ? show(e) : hide(e); } async function isAudioVolumeRO() { let a = new Audio(); a.volume = 0.5; return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => { r(!(a.volume == 0.5)) }, 1)); } const Global = { inited: false, NativePostMessageFunction: null, NativeAttachShadow: null, NativeFetch: null } function AttachShadow(e, options) { try { return e.attachShadow(options); } catch (err) { GetNativeFunction(); return Global.NativeAttachShadow.call(e, options); } } function GetNativeFunction() { if (Global.inited) { return; } Global.inited = true; let temp = document.createElement("iframe"); hide(temp); document.body.append(temp); Global.NativePostMessageFunction = temp.contentWindow.postMessage; Global.NativeAttachShadow = temp.contentWindow.Element.prototype.attachShadow; Global.NativeFetch = temp.contentWindow.fetch; } function PostMessage(window, data) { if (/\{\s+\[native code\]/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(window.postMessage))) { window.postMessage(data, "*"); } else { GetNativeFunction(); Global.NativePostMessageFunction.call(window, data, "*"); } } async function Fetch(url, init) { if (/\{\s+\[native code\]/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(window.fetch))) { return await fetch(url, init); } else { GetNativeFunction(); return await Global.NativeFetch.call(window, url, init); } } function sendMessageToTop(type, data) { PostMessage(window.top, { source: "VideoTogether", type: type, data: data }); } function sendMessageToSelf(type, data) { PostMessage(window, { source: "VideoTogether", type: type, data: data }); } function sendMessageTo(w, type, data) { PostMessage(w, { source: "VideoTogether", type: type, data: data }); } function initRangeSlider(slider) { const min = slider.min const max = slider.max const value = slider.value slider.style.background = `linear-gradient(to right, #1abc9c 0%, #1abc9c ${(value - min) / (max - min) * 100}%, #d7dcdf ${(value - min) / (max - min) * 100}%, #d7dcdf 100%)` slider.addEventListener('input', function () { this.style.background = `linear-gradient(to right, #1abc9c 0%, #1abc9c ${(this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * 100}%, #d7dcdf ${(this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * 100}%, #d7dcdf 100%)` }); } function WSUpdateRoomRequest(name, password, url, playbackRate, currentTime, paused, duration, localTimestamp, m3u8Url) { return { "method": "/room/update", "data": { "tempUser": extension.tempUser, "password": password, "name": name, "playbackRate": playbackRate, "currentTime": currentTime, "paused": paused, "url": url, "lastUpdateClientTime": localTimestamp, "duration": duration, "protected": isRoomProtected(), "videoTitle": extension.isMain ? document.title : extension.videoTitle, "sendLocalTimestamp": Date.now() / 1000, "m3u8Url": m3u8Url } } } function WSJoinRoomRequest(name, password) { return { "method": "/room/join", "data": { "password": password, "name": name, } } } function WsUpdateMemberRequest(name, password, isLoadding, currentUrl) { return { "method": "/room/update_member", "data": { "password": password, "roomName": name, "sendLocalTimestamp": Date.now() / 1000, "userId": extension.tempUser, "isLoadding": isLoadding, "currentUrl": currentUrl } } } function popupError(msg) { let x = select("#snackbar"); x.innerHTML = msg; x.className = "show"; setTimeout(function () { x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 3000); let changeVoiceBtn = select('#changeVoiceBtn'); if (changeVoiceBtn != undefined) { changeVoiceBtn.onclick = () => { windowPannel.ShowTxtMsgTouchPannel(); } } } async function waitForRoomUuid(timeout = 10000) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { let id = setInterval(() => { if (roomUuid != null) { res(roomUuid); clearInterval(id); } }, 200) setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(id); rej(null); }, timeout); }); } class Room { constructor() { this.currentTime = null; this.duration = null; this.lastUpdateClientTime = null; this.lastUpdateServerTime = null; this.name = null; this.paused = null; this.playbackRate = null; this.protected = null; this.timestamp = null; this.url = null; this.videoTitle = null; this.waitForLoadding = null; } } const WS = { _socket: null, _lastConnectTime: 0, _connectTimeout: 10, _expriedTime: 5, _lastUpdateTime: 0, _lastErrorMessage: null, _lastRoom: new Room(), _connectedToService: false, isOpen() { try { return this._socket.readyState = 1 && this._connectedToService; } catch { return false; } }, async connect() { if (this._socket != null) { try { if (this._socket.readyState == 1) { return; } if (this._socket.readyState == 0 && this._lastConnectTime + this._connectTimeout > Date.now() / 1000) { return; } } catch { } } console.log('ws connect'); this._lastConnectTime = Date.now() / 1000 this._connectedToService = false; try { this.disconnect() this._socket = new WebSocket(`wss://${extension.video_together_host.replace("https://", "")}/ws?language=${language}`); this._socket.onmessage = async e => { let lines = e.data.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { try { await this.onmessage(lines[i]); } catch (err) { console.log(err, lines[i]) } } } } catch { } }, async onmessage(str) { data = JSON.parse(str); if (data['errorMessage'] != null) { this._lastUpdateTime = Date.now() / 1000; this._lastErrorMessage = data['errorMessage']; this._lastRoom = null; return; } this._lastErrorMessage = null; if (data['method'] == "/room/join") { this._joinedName = data['data']['name']; } if (data['method'] == "/room/join" || data['method'] == "/room/update" || data['method'] == "/room/update_member") { this._connectedToService = true; this._lastRoom = Object.assign(data['data'], Room); this._lastUpdateTime = Date.now() / 1000; if (extension.role == extension.RoleEnum.Member) { if (!isLimited()) { extension.ScheduledTask(); } } if (extension.role == extension.RoleEnum.Master && data['method'] == "/room/update_member") { if (!isLimited()) { extension.setWaitForLoadding(this._lastRoom.waitForLoadding); extension.ScheduledTask(); } } } if (data['method'] == 'replay_timestamp') { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.TimestampV2Resp, { ts: Date.now() / 1000, data: data['data'] }) } if (data['method'] == 'url_req') { extension.UrlRequest(data['data'].m3u8Url, data['data'].idx, data['data'].origin) } if (data['method'] == 'url_resp') { realUrlCache[data['data'].origin] = data['data'].real; } if (data['method'] == 'm3u8_req') { content = extension.GetM3u8Content(data['data'].m3u8Url); WS.m3u8ContentResp(data['data'].m3u8Url, content); } if (data['method'] == 'm3u8_resp') { m3u8ContentCache[data['data'].m3u8Url] = data['data'].content; } if (data['method'] == 'send_txtmsg') { popupError("有新消息 (<a id='changeVoiceBtn' style='color:inherit' href='#''>修改语音包</a>)"); extension.gotTextMsg(data['data'].id, data['data'].msg); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.GotTxtMsg, { id: data['data'].id, msg: data['data'].msg }); } }, getRoom() { if (this._lastUpdateTime + this._expriedTime > Date.now() / 1000) { if (this._lastErrorMessage != null) { throw new Error(this._lastErrorMessage); } return this._lastRoom; } }, async send(data) { try { this._socket.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } catch { } }, async updateRoom(name, password, url, playbackRate, currentTime, paused, duration, localTimestamp, m3u8Url) { // TODO localtimestamp this.send(WSUpdateRoomRequest(name, password, url, playbackRate, currentTime, paused, duration, localTimestamp, m3u8Url)); }, async urlReq(m3u8Url, idx, origin) { this.send({ "method": "url_req", "data": { "m3u8Url": m3u8Url, "idx": idx, "origin": origin } }) }, async urlResp(origin, real) { this.send({ "method": "url_resp", "data": { "origin": origin, "real": real, } }) }, async m3u8ContentReq(m3u8Url) { this.send({ "method": "m3u8_req", "data": { "m3u8Url": m3u8Url, } }) }, async sendTextMessage(id, msg) { this.send({ "method": "send_txtmsg", "data": { "msg": msg, "id": id } }) }, async m3u8ContentResp(m3u8Url, content) { this.send({ "method": "m3u8_resp", "data": { "m3u8Url": m3u8Url, "content": content } }) }, async updateMember(name, password, isLoadding, currentUrl) { this.send(WsUpdateMemberRequest(name, password, isLoadding, currentUrl)); }, _joinedName: null, async joinRoom(name, password) { if (name == this._joinedName) { return; } this.send(WSJoinRoomRequest(name, password)); }, async disconnect() { if (this._socket != null) { try { this._socket.close(); } catch { } } this._joinedName = null; this._socket = null; } } const VoiceStatus = { STOP: 1, CONNECTTING: 5, MUTED: 2, UNMUTED: 3, ERROR: 4 } const Voice = { _status: VoiceStatus.STOP, _errorMessage: "", _rname: "", _mutting: false, get errorMessage() { return this._errorMessage; }, set errorMessage(m) { this._errorMessage = m; select("#snackbar").innerHTML = m; let voiceConnErrBtn = select('#voiceConnErrBtn'); if (voiceConnErrBtn != undefined) { voiceConnErrBtn.onclick = () => { alert('如果你安装了uBlock等去广告插件,请停用这些去广告插件后再试') } } }, set status(s) { this._status = s; let disabledMic = select("#disabledMic"); let micBtn = select('#micBtn'); let audioBtn = select('#audioBtn'); let callBtn = select("#callBtn"); let callConnecting = select("#callConnecting"); let callErrorBtn = select("#callErrorBtn"); dsply(callConnecting, s == VoiceStatus.CONNECTTING); dsply(callBtn, s == VoiceStatus.STOP); let inCall = (VoiceStatus.UNMUTED == s || VoiceStatus.MUTED == s); dsply(micBtn, inCall); dsply(audioBtn, inCall); dsply(callErrorBtn, s == VoiceStatus.ERROR); switch (s) { case VoiceStatus.STOP: break; case VoiceStatus.MUTED: show(disabledMic); break; case VoiceStatus.UNMUTED: hide(disabledMic); break; case VoiceStatus.ERROR: var x = select("#snackbar"); x.className = "show"; setTimeout(function () { x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 3000); break; default: break; } }, get status() { return this._status; }, _conn: null, set conn(conn) { this._conn = conn; }, /** * @return {RTCPeerConnection} */ get conn() { return this._conn }, _stream: null, set stream(s) { this._stream = s; }, /** * @return {MediaStream} */ get stream() { return this._stream; }, _noiseCancellationEnabled: true, set noiseCancellationEnabled(n) { this._noiseCancellationEnabled = n; if (this.inCall) { this.updateVoiceSetting(n); } }, get noiseCancellationEnabled() { return this._noiseCancellationEnabled; }, get inCall() { return this.status == VoiceStatus.MUTED || this.status == VoiceStatus.UNMUTED; }, join: async function (name, rname, mutting = false) { Voice._rname = rname; Voice._mutting = mutting; let cancellingNoise = true; try { cancellingNoise = !(window.VideoTogetherStorage.EchoCancellation === false); } catch { } Voice.stop(); Voice.status = VoiceStatus.CONNECTTING; this.noiseCancellationEnabled = cancellingNoise; let uid = generateUUID(); let notNullUuid; try { notNullUuid = await waitForRoomUuid(); } catch { Voice.errorMessage = "uuid缺失"; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.ERROR; return; } const rnameRPC = fixedEncodeURIComponent(notNullUuid + "_" + rname); if (rnameRPC.length > 256) { Voice.errorMessage = "房间名太长"; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.ERROR; return; } if (window.location.protocol != "https:") { Voice.errorMessage = "仅支持https网站使用"; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.ERROR; return; } const unameRPC = fixedEncodeURIComponent(uid + ':' + Base64.encode(generateUUID())); let ucid = ""; console.log(rnameRPC, uid); const configuration = { bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require', sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' }; async function subscribe(pc) { var res = await rpc('subscribe', [rnameRPC, unameRPC, ucid]); if (res.error && typeof res.error === 'object' && typeof res.error.code === 'number' && [5002001, 5002002].indexOf(res.error.code) != -1) { Voice.join("", Voice._rname, Voice._mutting); return; } if (res.data) { var jsep = JSON.parse(res.data.jsep); if (jsep.type == 'offer') { await pc.setRemoteDescription(jsep); var sdp = await pc.createAnswer(); await pc.setLocalDescription(sdp); await rpc('answer', [rnameRPC, unameRPC, ucid, JSON.stringify(sdp)]); } } setTimeout(function () { if (Voice.conn != null && pc === Voice.conn && Voice.status != VoiceStatus.STOP) { subscribe(pc); } }, 3000); } try { await start(); } catch (e) { if (Voice.status == VoiceStatus.CONNECTTING) { Voice.status = VoiceStatus.ERROR; Voice.errorMessage = "连接失败 (<a id='voiceConnErrBtn' style='color:inherit' href='#''>帮助</a>)"; } } if (Voice.status == VoiceStatus.CONNECTTING) { Voice.status = mutting ? VoiceStatus.MUTED : VoiceStatus.UNMUTED; } async function start() { let res = await rpc('turn', [unameRPC]); if (res.data && res.data.length > 0) { configuration.iceServers = res.data; configuration.iceTransportPolicy = 'relay'; } Voice.conn = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration); Voice.conn.onicecandidate = ({ candidate }) => { rpc('trickle', [rnameRPC, unameRPC, ucid, JSON.stringify(candidate)]); }; Voice.conn.ontrack = (event) => { console.log("ontrack", event); let stream = event.streams[0]; let sid = fixedDecodeURIComponent(stream.id); let id = sid.split(':')[0]; // var name = Base64.decode(sid.split(':')[1]); console.log(id, uid); if (id === uid) { return; } event.track.onmute = (event) => { console.log("onmute", event); }; let aid = 'peer-audio-' + id; let el = select('#' + aid); if (el) { el.srcObject = stream; } else { el = document.createElement(event.track.kind) el.id = aid; el.srcObject = stream; el.autoplay = true; el.controls = false; select('#peer').appendChild(el); } }; try { const constraints = { audio: { echoCancellation: cancellingNoise, noiseSuppression: cancellingNoise }, video: false }; Voice.stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); } catch (err) { if (Voice.status == VoiceStatus.CONNECTTING) { Voice.errorMessage = "麦克风权限获取失败"; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.ERROR; } return; } Voice.stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => { track.enabled = !mutting; Voice.conn.addTrack(track, Voice.stream); }); await Voice.conn.setLocalDescription(await Voice.conn.createOffer()); res = await rpc('publish', [rnameRPC, unameRPC, JSON.stringify(Voice.conn.localDescription)]); if (res.data) { let jsep = JSON.parse(res.data.jsep); if (jsep.type == 'answer') { await Voice.conn.setRemoteDescription(jsep); ucid = res.data.track; await subscribe(Voice.conn); } } else { throw new Error('未知错误'); } Voice.conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => { if (Voice.conn.iceConnectionState == "disconnected" || Voice.conn.iceConnectionState == "failed" || Voice.conn.iceConnectionState == "closed") { Voice.errorMessage = "连接断开"; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.ERROR; } else { if (Voice.status == VoiceStatus.ERROR) { Voice.status = Voice._mutting ? VoiceStatus.MUTED : VoiceStatus.UNMUTED; } } } } async function rpc(method, params = [], retryTime = -1) { try { const response = await window.videoTogetherExtension.Fetch(extension.video_together_host + "/kraken", "POST", { id: generateUUID(), method: method, params: params }, { method: 'POST', // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. mode: 'cors', // no-cors, *cors, same-origin cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached credentials: 'omit', // include, *same-origin, omit headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, redirect: 'follow', // manual, *follow, error referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', // no-referrer, *client body: JSON.stringify({ id: generateUUID(), method: method, params: params }) // body data type must match "Content-Type" header }); return await response.json(); // parses JSON response into native JavaScript objects } catch (err) { if (Voice.status == VoiceStatus.STOP) { return; } if (retryTime == 0) { throw err; } await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); return await rpc(method, params, retryTime - 1); } } }, stop: () => { try { Voice.conn.getSenders().forEach(s => { if (s.track) { s.track.stop(); } }); } catch (e) { }; [...select('#peer').querySelectorAll("*")].forEach(e => e.remove()); try { Voice.conn.close(); delete Voice.conn; } catch { } try { Voice.stream.getTracks().forEach(function (track) { track.stop(); }); delete Voice.stream; } catch { } Voice.status = VoiceStatus.STOP; }, mute: () => { Voice.conn.getSenders().forEach(s => { if (s.track) { s.track.enabled = false; } }); Voice._mutting = true; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.MUTED; }, unmute: () => { Voice.conn.getSenders().forEach(s => { if (s.track) { s.track.enabled = true; } }); Voice._mutting = false; Voice.status = VoiceStatus.UNMUTED; }, updateVoiceSetting: async (cancellingNoise = false) => { const constraints = { audio: { echoCancellation: cancellingNoise, noiseSuppression: cancellingNoise }, video: false }; try { prevStream = Voice.stream; Voice.stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); Voice.conn.getSenders().forEach(s => { if (s.track) { s.replaceTrack(Voice.stream.getTracks().find(t => t.kind == s.track.kind)); } }) prevStream.getTracks().forEach(t => t.stop()); delete prevStream; } catch (e) { console.log(e); }; } } function generateUUID() { if (crypto.randomUUID != undefined) { return crypto.randomUUID(); } return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ); } function generateTempUserId() { return generateUUID() + ":" + Date.now() / 1000; } /** * * Base64 encode / decode * http://www.webtoolkit.info * **/ const Base64 = { // private property _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" // public method for encoding , encode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } // Whend return output; } // End Function encode // public method for decoding , decode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } // Whend output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output; } // End Function decode // private method for UTF-8 encoding , _utf8_encode: function (string) { var utftext = ""; string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } // Next n return utftext; } // End Function _utf8_encode // private method for UTF-8 decoding , _utf8_decode: function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c, c1, c2, c3; c = c1 = c2 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } // Whend return string; } // End Function _utf8_decode } let GotTxtMsgCallback = undefined; class VideoTogetherFlyPannel { constructor() { this.sessionKey = "VideoTogetherFlySaveSessionKey"; this.isInRoom = false; this.isMain = (window.self == window.top); setInterval(() => { if (document.fullscreenElement != undefined && (extension.ctxRole == extension.RoleEnum.Master || extension.ctxRole == extension.RoleEnum.Member)) { const qs = (s) => this.fullscreenWrapper.querySelector(s); try { qs("#memberCount").innerText = extension.ctxMemberCount; qs("#send-button").disabled = 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extension.currentSendingMsgId = generateUUID(); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SendTxtMsg, { currentSendingMsgId: extension.currentSendingMsgId, value: msgInput.value }); } GotTxtMsgCallback = (id, msg) => { console.log(id, msg); if (id == extension.currentSendingMsgId && msg == msgInput.value) { msgInput.value = ""; } } msgInput.addEventListener("keyup", e => { if (e.key == "Enter") { sendBtn.click(); } }); } else { if (this.fullscreenSWrapper != undefined) { this.fullscreenSWrapper.remove(); this.fullscreenSWrapper = undefined; this.fullscreenWrapper = undefined; GotTxtMsgCallback = undefined; } } }, 500); if (this.isMain) { document.addEventListener("click", () => { this.enableSpeechSynthesis(); }); this.minimized = false; let shadowWrapper = document.createElement("div"); shadowWrapper.id = "VideoTogetherWrapper"; let wrapper; try { wrapper = AttachShadow(shadowWrapper, { mode: "open" }); wrapper.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => e.stopPropagation()) } catch (e) { console.error(e); 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3px; background-color: #fff; } #snackbar { visibility: hidden; width: auto; background-color: #333; color: #fff; text-align: center; padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px; position: relative; z-index: 999999; top: -56px; } #snackbar.show { visibility: visible; animation: fadein 0.5s, fadeout 0.5s 2.5s; } @keyframes fadein { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes fadeout { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0; } } </style>`; (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(shadowWrapper); wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherMinimize").onclick = () => { this.Minimize() } wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherMaximize").onclick = () => { this.Maximize() } ["", "webkit"].forEach(prefix => { document.addEventListener(prefix + "fullscreenchange", (event) => { if (document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement) { hide(this.videoTogetherFlyPannel); hide(this.videoTogetherSamllIcon); } else { if (this.minimized) { this.Minimize(); } else { this.Maximize(); } } }); }); wrapper.querySelector("#textMessageInput").addEventListener("keyup", e => { if (e.key == "Enter") { wrapper.querySelector("#textMessageSend").click(); } }); wrapper.querySelector("#textMessageSend").onclick = async () => { extension.currentSendingMsgId = generateUUID(); WS.sendTextMessage(extension.currentSendingMsgId, select("#textMessageInput").value); } this.lobbyBtnGroup = wrapper.querySelector("#lobbyBtnGroup"); this.createRoomButton = wrapper.querySelector('#videoTogetherCreateButton'); this.joinRoomButton = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherJoinButton"); this.roomButtonGroup = wrapper.querySelector('#roomButtonGroup'); this.exitButton = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherExitButton"); this.callBtn = wrapper.querySelector("#callBtn"); this.callBtn.onclick = () => Voice.join("", window.videoTogetherExtension.roomName); this.helpButton = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherHelpButton"); this.audioBtn = wrapper.querySelector("#audioBtn"); this.micBtn = wrapper.querySelector("#micBtn"); this.videoVolume = wrapper.querySelector("#videoVolume"); this.callVolumeSlider = wrapper.querySelector("#callVolume"); this.callErrorBtn = wrapper.querySelector("#callErrorBtn"); this.easyShareCopyBtn = wrapper.querySelector("#easyShareCopyBtn"); this.textMessageChat = wrapper.querySelector("#textMessageChat"); this.textMessageConnecting = wrapper.querySelector("#textMessageConnecting"); this.textMessageConnectingStatus = wrapper.querySelector("#textMessageConnectingStatus"); this.zhcnTtsMissing = wrapper.querySelector("#zhcnTtsMissing"); this.easyShareCopyBtn.onclick = async () => { try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText("点击链接,和我一起看吧:<main_share_link> , 如果打不开可以尝试备用链接:<china_share_link>" .replace("<main_share_link>", extension.generateEasyShareLink()) .replace("<china_share_link>", extension.generateEasyShareLink(true))); popupError("复制成功,快去分享吧"); } catch { popupError("复制失败"); } } this.callErrorBtn.onclick = () => { Voice.join("", window.videoTogetherExtension.roomName); } this.videoVolume.oninput = () => { extension.videoVolume = this.videoVolume.value; sendMessageToTop(MessageType.ChangeVideoVolume, { volume: extension.getVideoVolume() / 100 }); } this.callVolumeSlider.oninput = () => { extension.voiceVolume = this.callVolumeSlider.value; [...select('#peer').querySelectorAll("*")].forEach(e => { e.volume = extension.getVoiceVolume() / 100; }); } initRangeSlider(this.videoVolume); initRangeSlider(this.callVolumeSlider); this.audioBtn.onclick = async () => { let hideMain = select('#mainPannel').style.display == 'none'; dsply(select('#mainPannel'), hideMain); dsply(select('#voicePannel'), !hideMain); if (!hideMain) { this.audioBtn.style.color = '#1890ff'; } else { this.audioBtn.style.color = '#6c6c6c'; } if (await isAudioVolumeRO()) { show(select('#iosVolumeErr')); hide(select('#videoVolumeCtrl')); hide(select('#callVolumeCtrl')); } } this.micBtn.onclick = async () => { switch (Voice.status) { case VoiceStatus.STOP: { // TODO need fix await Voice.join(); break; } case VoiceStatus.UNMUTED: { Voice.mute(); break; } case VoiceStatus.MUTED: { Voice.unmute(); break; } } } this.createRoomButton.onclick = this.CreateRoomButtonOnClick.bind(this); this.joinRoomButton.onclick = this.JoinRoomButtonOnClick.bind(this); this.helpButton.onclick = this.HelpButtonOnClick.bind(this); this.exitButton.onclick = (() => { window.videoTogetherExtension.exitRoom(); }); this.videoTogetherRoleText = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherRoleText") this.videoTogetherSetting = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherSetting"); hide(this.videoTogetherSetting); this.inputRoomName = wrapper.querySelector('#videoTogetherRoomNameInput'); this.inputRoomPassword = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherRoomPasswordInput"); this.inputRoomNameLabel = wrapper.querySelector('#videoTogetherRoomNameLabel'); this.inputRoomPasswordLabel = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherRoomPasswordLabel"); this.videoTogetherHeader = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherHeader"); this.videoTogetherFlyPannel = wrapper.getElementById("videoTogetherFlyPannel"); this.videoTogetherSamllIcon = wrapper.getElementById("videoTogetherSamllIcon"); this.volume = 1; this.statusText = wrapper.querySelector("#videoTogetherStatusText"); this.InLobby(true); this.Init(); setInterval(() => { this.ShowPannel(); }, 1000); } try { document.querySelector("#videoTogetherLoading").remove() } catch { } } ShowTxtMsgTouchPannel() { try { function exitFullScreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { /* Safari */ document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { /* Firefox */ document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } } exitFullScreen(); } catch { } try { this.txtMsgTouchPannel.remove(); } catch { } this.txtMsgTouchPannel = document.createElement('div'); let touch = this.txtMsgTouchPannel; touch.id = "videoTogetherTxtMsgTouch"; touch.style.width = "100%"; touch.style.height = "100%"; touch.style.position = "fixed"; touch.style.top = "0"; touch.style.left = "0"; touch.style.zIndex = "2147483647"; touch.style.background = "#fff"; touch.style.display = "flex"; touch.style.justifyContent = "center"; touch.style.alignItems = "center"; touch.style.padding = "0px"; touch.style.flexDirection = "column"; touch.style.lineHeight = "40px"; AttachShadow(this.txtMsgTouchPannel, { mode: "open" }) touch.addEventListener('click', function () { windowPannel.enableSpeechSynthesis(); document.body.removeChild(touch); windowPannel.txtMsgTouchPannel = undefined; }); document.body.appendChild(touch); this.setTxtMsgTouchPannelText("VideoTogether: 您有一条新消息,点击屏幕接收"); } setTxtMsgInterface(type) { hide(this.textMessageChat); hide(this.textMessageConnecting); hide(this.textMessageConnectingStatus); hide(this.zhcnTtsMissing); if (type == 0) { } if (type == 1) { show(this.textMessageChat); } if (type == 2) { show(this.textMessageConnecting); show(this.textMessageConnectingStatus); } if (type == 3) { show(this.textMessageConnecting); show(this.zhcnTtsMissing); } } enableSpeechSynthesis() { if (!extension.speechSynthesisEnabled) { try { extension.gotTextMsg("", "", true); extension.speechSynthesisEnabled = true; } catch { } } } setTxtMsgTouchPannelText(s) { let span = document.createElement('span'); span.style.fontSize = "40px"; span.style.lineHeight = "40px"; span.style.color = "black"; span.style.overflowWrap = "break-word"; span.style.textAlign = "center"; span.textContent = s; this.txtMsgTouchPannel.shadowRoot.appendChild(span); let voiceSelect = document.createElement('select'); this.voiceSelect = voiceSelect; voiceSelect.onclick = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); } let label = span.cloneNode(true); label.textContent = "你可以在下方选择朗读信息的语音:"; this.txtMsgTouchPannel.shadowRoot.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); this.txtMsgTouchPannel.shadowRoot.appendChild(label); let voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices(); voices.forEach(function (voice, index) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = voice.voiceURI; option.textContent = voice.name + ' (' + voice.lang + ')'; voiceSelect.appendChild(option); }); voiceSelect.oninput = (e) => { console.log(e); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetStorageValue, { key: "PublicMessageVoice", value: voiceSelect.value }); } voiceSelect.style.fontSize = "20px"; voiceSelect.style.height = "50px"; voiceSelect.style.maxWidth = "100%"; try { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage.PublicMessageVoice != undefined) { voiceSelect.value = window.VideoTogetherStorage.PublicMessageVoice; } else { voiceSelect.value = speechSynthesis.getVoices().find(v => v.default).voiceURI; } } catch { }; this.txtMsgTouchPannel.shadowRoot.appendChild(voiceSelect) } ShowPannel() { if (!document.documentElement.contains(this.shadowWrapper)) { (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(this.shadowWrapper); } } Minimize(isDefault = false) { this.minimized = true; if (!isDefault) { this.SaveIsMinimized(true); } this.disableDefaultSize = true; hide(this.videoTogetherFlyPannel); show(this.videoTogetherSamllIcon); } Maximize(isDefault = false) { this.minimized = false; if (!isDefault) { this.SaveIsMinimized(false); } this.disableDefaultSize = true; show(this.videoTogetherFlyPannel); hide(this.videoTogetherSamllIcon); } SaveIsMinimized(minimized) { localStorage.setItem("VideoTogetherMinimizedHere", minimized ? 1 : 0) } Init() { let VideoTogetherMinimizedHere = localStorage.getItem("VideoTogetherMinimizedHere"); if (VideoTogetherMinimizedHere == 0) { this.Maximize(true); } else if (VideoTogetherMinimizedHere == 1) { this.Minimize(true); } } InRoom() { try { speechSynthesis.getVoices(); } catch { }; this.Maximize(); this.inputRoomName.disabled = true; hide(this.lobbyBtnGroup) show(this.roomButtonGroup); this.exitButton.style = ""; hide(this.inputRoomPasswordLabel); hide(this.inputRoomPassword); this.inputRoomName.placeholder = ""; this.isInRoom = true; } InLobby(init = false) { if (!init) { this.Maximize(); } this.inputRoomName.disabled = false; this.inputRoomPasswordLabel.style.display = "inline-block"; this.inputRoomPassword.style.display = "inline-block"; this.inputRoomName.placeholder = "请输入房间名" show(this.lobbyBtnGroup); hide(this.roomButtonGroup); hide(this.easyShareCopyBtn); this.setTxtMsgInterface(0); this.isInRoom = false; } CreateRoomButtonOnClick() { this.Maximize(); let roomName = this.inputRoomName.value; let password = this.inputRoomPassword.value; window.videoTogetherExtension.CreateRoom(roomName, password); } JoinRoomButtonOnClick() { this.Maximize(); let roomName = this.inputRoomName.value; let password = this.inputRoomPassword.value; window.videoTogetherExtension.JoinRoom(roomName, password); } HelpButtonOnClick() { this.Maximize(); let url = 'https://2gether.video/guide/qa.html'; if (vtRuntime == "website") { url = "https://2gether.video/guide/website_qa.html" } window.open(url, '_blank'); } UpdateStatusText(text, color) { this.statusText.innerHTML = text; this.statusText.style.color = color; } } class VideoModel { constructor(id, duration, activatedTime, refreshTime, priority = 0) { this.id = id; this.duration = duration; this.activatedTime = activatedTime; this.refreshTime = refreshTime; this.priority = priority; } } let MessageType = { ActivatedVideo: 1, ReportVideo: 2, SyncMemberVideo: 3, SyncMasterVideo: 4, UpdateStatusText: 5, JumpToNewPage: 6, GetRoomData: 7, ChangeVoiceVolume: 8, ChangeVideoVolume: 9, FetchRequest: 13, FetchResponse: 14, SetStorageValue: 15, SyncStorageValue: 16, ExtensionInitSuccess: 17, SetTabStorage: 18, SetTabStorageSuccess: 19, UpdateRoomRequest: 20, CallScheduledTask: 21, RoomDataNotification: 22, UpdateMemberStatus: 23, TimestampV2Resp: 24, // EasyShareCheckSucc: 25, FetchRealUrlReq: 26, FetchRealUrlResp: 27, FetchRealUrlFromIframeReq: 28, FetchRealUrlFromIframeResp: 29, SendTxtMsg: 30, GotTxtMsg: 31, UpdateM3u8Files: 1001, } let VIDEO_EXPIRED_SECOND = 10 class VideoWrapper { set currentTime(v) { this.currentTimeSetter(v); } get currentTime() { return this.currentTimeGetter(); } set playbackRate(v) { this.playbackRateSetter(v); } get playbackRate() { return this.playbackRateGetter(); } constructor(play, pause, paused, currentTimeGetter, currentTimeSetter, duration, playbackRateGetter, playbackRateSetter) { this.play = play; this.pause = pause; this.paused = paused; this.currentTimeGetter = currentTimeGetter; this.currentTimeSetter = currentTimeSetter; this.duration = duration; this.playbackRateGetter = playbackRateGetter; this.playbackRateSetter = playbackRateSetter; } } class VideoTogetherExtension { constructor() { this.RoleEnum = { Null: 1, Master: 2, Member: 3, } this.cspBlockedHost = {}; this.video_together_host = 'https://vt.panghair.com:5000/'; this.video_together_main_host = 'https://vt.panghair.com:5000/'; this.video_together_backup_host = 'https://api.chizhou.in/'; this.video_tag_names = ["video", "bwp-video"] this.timer = 0 this.roomName = "" this.roomPassword = "" this.role = this.RoleEnum.Null this.url = "" this.duration = undefined this.waitForLoadding = false; this.playAfterLoadding = false; this.minTrip = 1e9; this.timeOffset = 0; this.lastScheduledTaskTs = 0; this.httpSucc = false; this.activatedVideo = undefined; this.tempUser = generateTempUserId(); this.version = '1688269767'; this.isMain = (window.self == window.top); this.UserId = undefined; this.callbackMap = new Map; this.allLinksTargetModified = false; this.voiceVolume = null; this.videoVolume = null; this.m3u8Files = {}; this.m3u8PostWindows = {}; this.m3u8MediaUrls = {}; this.currentM3u8Url = undefined; this.ctxMemberCount = 0; this.currentSendingMsgId = null; this.isIos = undefined; this.speechSynthesisEnabled = false; // we need a common callback function to deal with all message this.SetTabStorageSuccessCallback = () => { }; document.addEventListener("securitypolicyviolation", (e) => { let host = (new URL(e.blockedURI)).host; this.cspBlockedHost[host] = true; }); try { this.CreateVideoDomObserver(); } catch { } this.timer = setInterval(() => this.ScheduledTask(true), 2 * 1000); this.videoMap = new Map(); window.addEventListener('message', message => { if (message.data.context) { this.tempUser = message.data.context.tempUser; this.videoTitle = message.data.context.videoTitle; this.voiceStatus = message.data.context.voiceStatus; this.timeOffset = message.data.context.timeOffset; this.ctxRole = message.data.context.ctxRole; this.ctxMemberCount = message.data.context.ctxMemberCount; this.ctxWsIsOpen = message.data.context.ctxWsIsOpen; // sub frame has 2 storage data source, top frame or extension.js in this frame // this 2 data source should be same. window.VideoTogetherStorage = message.data.context.VideoTogetherStorage; } this.processReceivedMessage(message.data.type, message.data.data, message); }); // if some element's click be invoked frequenctly, a lot of http request will be sent // window.addEventListener('click', message => { // setTimeout(this.ScheduledTask.bind(this), 200); // }) if (this.isMain) { try { try { this.RecoveryState(); } catch { } this.EnableDraggable(); setTimeout(() => { let allDoms = document.querySelectorAll("*"); for (let i = 0; i < allDoms.length; i++) { const cssObj = window.getComputedStyle(allDoms[i], null); if (cssObj.getPropertyValue("z-index") == 2147483647 && !allDoms[i].id.startsWith("videoTogether")) { allDoms[i].style.zIndex = 2147483646; } } }, 2000); } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } } async gotTextMsg(id, msg, prepare = false, idx = -1) { if (idx > speechSynthesis.getVoices().length) { return; } if (!prepare && !extension.speechSynthesisEnabled) { windowPannel.ShowTxtMsgTouchPannel(); for (let i = 0; i <= 1000 && !extension.speechSynthesisEnabled; i++) { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); } } try { if (id == this.currentSendingMsgId && msg == select("#textMessageInput").value) { select("#textMessageInput").value = ""; } } catch { } let ssu = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); ssu.text = msg; ssu.volume = 1; ssu.rate = 1; ssu.pitch = 1; if (idx == -1) { try { ssu.voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices().find(v => v.voiceURI == window.VideoTogetherStorage.PublicMessageVoice); } catch { } } else { ssu.voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices()[idx]; } if (!prepare) { let startTs = 0; ssu.onstart = (e => { startTs = e.timeStamp }); ssu.onend = (e => { const duration = e.timeStamp - startTs; if (duration < 100) { this.gotTextMsg(id, msg, prepare, idx + 1); } }); } speechSynthesis.speak(ssu); } setRole(role) { let setRoleText = text => { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherRoleText.innerHTML = text; } this.role = role switch (role) { case this.RoleEnum.Master: setRoleText("房主"); break; case this.RoleEnum.Member: setRoleText("成员"); break; default: setRoleText(""); break; } } generateEasyShareLink(china = false) { if (china) { return `https://videotogether.gitee.io/${language}/easyshare.html?VideoTogetherRole=3&VideoTogetherRoomName=${this.roomName}&VideoTogetherTimestamp=9999999999&VideoTogetherUrl=&VideoTogetherPassword=${this.password}` } else { return `https://2gether.video/${language}/easyshare.html?VideoTogetherRole=3&VideoTogetherRoomName=${this.roomName}&VideoTogetherTimestamp=9999999999&VideoTogetherUrl=&VideoTogetherPassword=${this.password}`; } } async Fetch(url, method = 'GET', data = null) { if (!extension.isMain) { console.error("fetch in child"); throw new Error("fetch in child"); } url = new URL(url); url.searchParams.set("version", this.version); try { url.searchParams.set("language", language); url.searchParams.set("voiceStatus", this.isMain ? Voice.status : this.voiceStatus); url.searchParams.set("loaddingVersion", window.VideoTogetherStorage.LoaddingVersion); url.searchParams.set("runtimeType", window.VideoTogetherStorage.UserscriptType); } catch (e) { } try { url.searchParams.set("userId", window.VideoTogetherStorage.PublicUserId); } catch (e) { } url = url.toString(); let host = (new URL(url)).host; if (this.cspBlockedHost[host] || url.startsWith('http:')) { let id = generateUUID() return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.callbackMap.set(id, (data) => { if (data.data) { resolve({ json: () => data.data, status: 200 }); } else { reject(new Error(data.error)); } this.callbackMap.delete(id); }) sendMessageToTop(MessageType.FetchRequest, { id: id, url: url.toString(), method: method, data: data, }); setTimeout(() => { try { if (this.callbackMap.has(id)) { this.callbackMap.get(id)({ error: "超时" }); } } finally { this.callbackMap.delete(id); } }, 20000); }); } if (/\{\s+\[native code\]/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(window.fetch))) { const controller = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 10000); return await window.fetch(url, { method: method, body: data == null ? undefined : JSON.stringify(data), signal: controller.signal }); } else { GetNativeFunction(); const controller = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 10000); return await Global.NativeFetch.call(window, url, { method: method, body: data == null ? undefined : JSON.stringify(data), signal: controller.signal }); } } async ForEachVideo(func) { try { if (window.location.hostname.endsWith("iqiyi.com")) { let video = document.querySelector('.iqp-player-videolayer-inner > video'); if (video != null) { video.VideoTogetherChoosed = true; try { await func(video) } catch { }; } } // disneyplus if (window.location.hostname.endsWith("disneyplus.com")) { try { let ff = document.querySelector('.ff-10sec-icon'); let rr = document.querySelector('.rwd-10sec-icon'); let video = document.querySelector('video'); if (ff && rr && video) { if (!video.videoTogetherVideoWrapper) { video.videoTogetherVideoWrapper = new VideoWrapper(); } let videoWrapper = video.videoTogetherVideoWrapper; videoWrapper.play = async () => await video.play(); videoWrapper.pause = async () => await video.pause(); videoWrapper.paused = video.paused videoWrapper.currentTimeGetter = () => video.currentTime; videoWrapper.currentTimeSetter = (v) => { let isFf = v > video.currentTime; let d = Math.abs(v - video.currentTime); let clickTime = parseInt(d / 10); if (clickTime > 0) { console.log(clickTime); } for (let i = 0; i < clickTime; i++) { isFf ? ff.click() : rr.click(); } setTimeout(() => { isFf ? ff.click() : rr.click(); if (!isVideoLoadded(video)) { console.log("loading"); ff.click(); rr.click(); } setTimeout(() => { if (isVideoLoadded(video)) { video.currentTime = v; } }, 100); }, 200); } videoWrapper.duration = video.duration; videoWrapper.playbackRateGetter = () => video.playbackRate; videoWrapper.playbackRateSetter = (v) => { video.playbackRate = v }; await func(videoWrapper); } } catch (e) { } } // Netflix if (window.location.hostname.endsWith("netflix.com")) { try { let videoPlayer = netflix.appContext.state.playerApp.getAPI().videoPlayer; let player = videoPlayer.getVideoPlayerBySessionId(videoPlayer.getAllPlayerSessionIds()[0]); if (!player.videoTogetherVideoWrapper) { player.videoTogetherVideoWrapper = new VideoWrapper(); } let videoWrapper = player.videoTogetherVideoWrapper; videoWrapper.play = async () => await player.play(); videoWrapper.pause = async () => await player.pause(); videoWrapper.paused = player.isPaused() videoWrapper.currentTimeGetter = () => player.getCurrentTime() / 1000; videoWrapper.currentTimeSetter = (v) => player.seek(1000 * v); videoWrapper.duration = player.getDuration() / 1000; videoWrapper.playbackRateGetter = () => player.getPlaybackRate(); videoWrapper.playbackRateSetter = (v) => { player.setPlaybackRate(v) }; await func(videoWrapper); } catch (e) { } } // 百度网盘 if (window.location.host.includes('pan.baidu.com')) { if (!this.BaiduPanPlayer) { try { if (document.querySelector('.vjs-controls-enabled').player != undefined) { this.BaiduPanPlayer = document.querySelector('.vjs-controls-enabled').player; } } catch { } } if (this.BaiduPanPlayer) { if (!this.BaiduPanPlayer.videoTogetherVideoWrapper) { this.BaiduPanPlayer.videoTogetherVideoWrapper = new VideoWrapper(); } let videoWrapper = this.BaiduPanPlayer.videoTogetherVideoWrapper; videoWrapper.play = async () => await this.BaiduPanPlayer.play(); videoWrapper.pause = async () => await this.BaiduPanPlayer.pause(); videoWrapper.paused = this.BaiduPanPlayer.paused(); videoWrapper.currentTimeGetter = () => this.BaiduPanPlayer.currentTime(); videoWrapper.currentTimeSetter = (v) => this.BaiduPanPlayer.currentTime(v); videoWrapper.duration = this.BaiduPanPlayer.duration(); videoWrapper.playbackRateGetter = () => this.BaiduPanPlayer.playbackRate(); videoWrapper.playbackRateSetter = (v) => this.BaiduPanPlayer.playbackRate(v); await func(videoWrapper); } } } catch (e) { } try { // 腾讯视频 if (window.__PLAYER__ != undefined) { if (window.__PLAYER__.videoTogetherVideoWrapper == undefined) { window.__PLAYER__.videoTogetherVideoWrapper = new VideoWrapper(); } let videoWrapper = window.__PLAYER__.videoTogetherVideoWrapper; videoWrapper.play = async () => await window.__PLAYER__.corePlayer.play(); videoWrapper.pause = async () => await window.__PLAYER__.corePlayer.pause(); videoWrapper.paused = window.__PLAYER__.paused; videoWrapper.currentTimeGetter = () => window.__PLAYER__.currentVideoInfo.playtime; videoWrapper.currentTimeSetter = (v) => { if (!videoWrapper.videoTogetherPaused) { window.__PLAYER__.seek(v) } }; videoWrapper.duration = window.__PLAYER__.currentVideoInfo.duration; videoWrapper.playbackRateGetter = () => window.__PLAYER__.playbackRate; videoWrapper.playbackRateSetter = (v) => window.__PLAYER__.playbackRate = v; await func(videoWrapper); } } catch (e) { }; this.video_tag_names.forEach(async tag => { let videos = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (let i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { try { try { if (videos[i].VideoTogetherDisabled) { continue; } } catch { }; await func(videos[i]); } catch (e) { console.error(e) }; } }); } sendMessageToSonWithContext(type, data) { if (this.isMain) { this.ctxRole = this.role; } let iframs = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (let i = 0; i < iframs.length; i++) { PostMessage(iframs[i].contentWindow, { source: "VideoTogether", type: type, data: data, context: { tempUser: this.tempUser, videoTitle: this.isMain ? document.title : this.videoTitle, voiceStatus: this.isMain ? Voice.status : this.voiceStatus, VideoTogetherStorage: window.VideoTogetherStorage, timeOffset: this.timeOffset, ctxRole: this.ctxRole, ctxMemberCount: this.ctxMemberCount, ctxWsIsOpen: this.ctxWsIsOpen } }); // console.info("send ", type, iframs[i].contentWindow, data) } } async FetchRemoteRealUrl(m3u8Url, idx, originUrl) { if (realUrlCache[originUrl] != undefined) { return realUrlCache[originUrl]; } if (this.isMain) { WS.urlReq(m3u8Url, idx, originUrl); } else { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.FetchRealUrlFromIframeReq, { m3u8Url: m3u8Url, idx: idx, origin: originUrl }); } return new Promise((res, rej) => { let id = setInterval(() => { if (realUrlCache[originUrl] != undefined) { res(realUrlCache[originUrl]); clearInterval(id); } }, 200); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(id); rej(null); }, 3000); }); } async FetchRemoteM3u8Content(m3u8Url) { if (m3u8ContentCache[m3u8Url] != undefined) { return m3u8ContentCache[m3u8Url]; } WS.m3u8ContentReq(m3u8Url); return new Promise((res, rej) => { let id = setInterval(() => { if (m3u8ContentCache[m3u8Url] != undefined) { res(m3u8ContentCache[m3u8Url]); clearInterval(id); } }) setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(id); rej(null); }, 3000) }) } GetM3u8Content(m3u8Url) { let m3u8Content = ""; for (let id in this.m3u8Files) { this.m3u8Files[id].forEach(m3u8 => { if (m3u8Url == m3u8.m3u8Url) { m3u8Content = m3u8.m3u8Content; } }) } return m3u8Content; } UrlRequest(m3u8Url, idx, origin) { for (let id in this.m3u8Files) { this.m3u8Files[id].forEach(m3u8 => { if (m3u8Url == m3u8.m3u8Url) { let urls = extractMediaUrls(m3u8.m3u8Content, m3u8.m3u8Url); let url = urls[idx]; sendMessageTo(this.m3u8PostWindows[id], MessageType.FetchRealUrlReq, { url: url, origin: origin }); } }) } } UpdateStatusText(text, color) { if (window.self != window.top) { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.UpdateStatusText, { text: text + "", color: color }); } else { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.UpdateStatusText(text + "", color); } } async processReceivedMessage(type, data, _msg) { let _this = this; // console.info("get ", type, window.location, data); switch (type) { case MessageType.CallScheduledTask: this.ScheduledTask(); break; case MessageType.ActivatedVideo: if (this.activatedVideo == undefined || this.activatedVideo.activatedTime < data.activatedTime) { this.activatedVideo = data; } break; case MessageType.ReportVideo: this.videoMap.set(data.id, data); break; case MessageType.SyncMasterVideo: this.ForEachVideo(async video => { if (video.VideoTogetherVideoId == data.video.id) { try { await this.SyncMasterVideo(data, video); } catch (e) { this.UpdateStatusText(e, "red"); } } }) this.sendMessageToSonWithContext(type, data); break; case MessageType.UpdateRoomRequest: let m3u8Url = undefined; if (isEasyShareEnabled()) { try { let d = NaN; let selected = null; for (let id in this.m3u8Files) { this.m3u8Files[id].forEach(m3u8 => { if (isNaN(d) || Math.abs(data.duration - m3u8.duration) <= d) { d = Math.abs(data.duration - m3u8.duration); selected = m3u8; } return; }) } if (d < 3) { m3u8Url = selected.m3u8Url; } } catch { } if (data.m3u8Url == undefined) { data.m3u8Url = m3u8Url; } } else { data.m3u8Url = ""; } try { if (!isEmpty(data.m3u8Url) && isEasyShareEnabled()) { this.currentM3u8Url = data.m3u8Url; show(windowPannel.easyShareCopyBtn); } else { this.currentM3u8Url = undefined; hide(windowPannel.easyShareCopyBtn); } } catch { }; try { await this.UpdateRoom(data.name, data.password, data.url, data.playbackRate, data.currentTime, data.paused, data.duration, data.localTimestamp, data.m3u8Url); if (this.waitForLoadding) { this.UpdateStatusText("等待成员加载视频", "red"); } else { _this.UpdateStatusText("同步成功 " + _this.GetDisplayTimeText(), "green"); } } catch (e) { this.UpdateStatusText(e, "red"); } break; case MessageType.SyncMemberVideo: this.ForEachVideo(async video => { if (video.VideoTogetherVideoId == data.video.id) { try { await this.SyncMemberVideo(data, video); } catch (e) { _this.UpdateStatusText(e, "red"); } } }) this.sendMessageToSonWithContext(type, data); break; case MessageType.GetRoomData: this.duration = data["duration"]; break; case MessageType.UpdateStatusText: window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.UpdateStatusText(data.text, data.color); break; case MessageType.JumpToNewPage: window.location = data.url; let currentUrl = new URL(window.location); let newUrl = new URL(data.url); currentUrl.hash = ""; newUrl.hash = ""; if (currentUrl.href == newUrl.href) { extension.url = data.url; } // window.location.reload();// for hash change break; case MessageType.ChangeVideoVolume: this.ForEachVideo(video => { video.volume = data.volume; }); this.sendMessageToSonWithContext(type, data); break; case MessageType.FetchResponse: { try { this.callbackMap.get(data.id)(data); } catch { }; break; } case MessageType.SyncStorageValue: { window.VideoTogetherStorage = data; if (!this.isMain) { return; } try { if (!this.RecoveryStateFromTab) { this.RecoveryStateFromTab = true; this.RecoveryState() } } catch (e) { }; try { if (data.PublicMessageVoice != null) { windowPannel.voiceSelect.value = data.PublicMessageVoice; } } catch { }; if (!window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.disableDefaultSize && !window.VideoTogetherSettingEnabled) { if (data.MinimiseDefault) { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.Minimize(true); } else { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.Maximize(true); } } if (typeof (data.PublicUserId) != 'string' || data.PublicUserId.length < 5) { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetStorageValue, { key: "PublicUserId", value: generateUUID() }); } try { if (window.VideoTogetherSettingEnabled == undefined) { if (!isWeb()) { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherSetting.href = "https://setting.2gether.video/v2.html"; show(select('#videoTogetherSetting')); } else { // website if (window.videoTogetherWebsiteSettingUrl != undefined) { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherSetting.href = window.videoTogetherWebsiteSettingUrl; show(select('#videoTogetherSetting')); } } } } catch (e) { } window.VideoTogetherSettingEnabled = true; break; } case MessageType.SetTabStorageSuccess: { this.SetTabStorageSuccessCallback(); break; } case MessageType.RoomDataNotification: { if (data['uuid'] != "") { roomUuid = data['uuid']; } changeBackground(data['backgroundUrl']); changeMemberCount(data['memberCount']) break; } case MessageType.UpdateMemberStatus: { WS.updateMember(this.roomName, this.password, data.isLoadding, this.url); break; } case MessageType.TimestampV2Resp: { let l1 = data['data']['sendLocalTimestamp']; let s1 = data['data']['receiveServerTimestamp']; let s2 = data['data']['sendServerTimestamp']; let l2 = data['ts'] this.UpdateTimestampIfneeded(s1, l1, l2 - s2 + s1); break; } case MessageType.UpdateM3u8Files: { data['m3u8Files'].forEach(m3u8 => { try { const cyrb53 = (str, seed = 0) => { let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed, h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed; for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(i); h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761); h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677); } h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16), 2246822507); h1 ^= Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 13), 3266489909); h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 16), 2246822507); h2 ^= Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 13), 3266489909); return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0); }; if (m3u8.m3u8Url.startsWith("data:")) { m3u8.m3u8Url = `${cyrb53(m3u8.m3u8Url)}`; } } catch { } }) this.m3u8Files[data['id']] = data['m3u8Files']; this.m3u8PostWindows[data['id']] = _msg.source; break; } case MessageType.FetchRealUrlReq: { console.log(data); if (realUrlCache[data.url] == undefined) { const controller = new AbortController(); let r = await Fetch(data.url, { method: "GET", signal: controller.signal }); controller.abort(); realUrlCache[data.url] = r.url; } sendMessageToTop(MessageType.FetchRealUrlResp, { origin: data.origin, real: realUrlCache[data.url] }); break; } case MessageType.FetchRealUrlResp: { console.log(data); WS.urlResp(data.origin, data.real); break; } case MessageType.FetchRealUrlFromIframeReq: { let real = await extension.FetchRemoteRealUrl(data.m3u8Url, data.idx, data.origin); sendMessageTo(_msg.source, MessageType.FetchRealUrlFromIframeResp, { origin: data.origin, real: real }); break; } case MessageType.FetchRealUrlFromIframeResp: { realUrlCache[data.origin] = data.real; break; } case MessageType.SendTxtMsg: { WS.sendTextMessage(data.currentSendingMsgId, data.value); break; } case MessageType.GotTxtMsg: { try { GotTxtMsgCallback(data.id, data.msg); } catch { }; this.sendMessageToSonWithContext(MessageType.GotTxtMsg, data); break; } default: // console.info("unhandled message:", type, data) break; } } openAllLinksInSelf() { let hrefs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (let i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++) { hrefs[i].target = "_self"; } } async RunWithRetry(func, count) { for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { return await func(); } catch (e) { }; } } setActivatedVideoDom(videoDom) { if (videoDom.VideoTogetherVideoId == undefined) { videoDom.VideoTogetherVideoId = generateUUID(); } sendMessageToTop(MessageType.ActivatedVideo, new VideoModel(videoDom.VideoTogetherVideoId, videoDom.duration, Date.now() / 1000, Date.now() / 1000)); } addListenerMulti(el, s, fn) { s.split(' ').forEach(e => el.addEventListener(e, fn, false)); } VideoClicked(e) { console.info("vide event: ", e.type); // maybe we need to check if the event is activated by user interaction this.setActivatedVideoDom(e.target); if (!isLimited()) { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.CallScheduledTask, {}); } } AddVideoListener(videoDom) { if (this.VideoClickedListener == undefined) { this.VideoClickedListener = this.VideoClicked.bind(this) } this.addListenerMulti(videoDom, "play pause seeked", this.VideoClickedListener); } CreateVideoDomObserver() { let _this = this; let observer = new WebKitMutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { for (let i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) { if (mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName == "VIDEO" || mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName == "BWP-VIDEO") { try { _this.AddVideoListener(mutation.addedNodes[i]); } catch { } } try { let videos = mutation.addedNodes[i].querySelectorAll("video"); [...videos].forEach(v => _this.AddVideoListener(v)); } catch { } try { if (extension.isMain && window.VideoTogetherStorage.OpenAllLinksInSelf != false && _this.role != _this.RoleEnum.Null) { if (mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName == "A") { mutation.addedNodes[i].target = "_self"; } let links = mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("a"); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].target = "_self"; } } } catch { } } }); }); observer.observe(document.body || document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true }) this.video_tag_names.forEach(vTag => { let videos = document.getElementsByTagName(vTag); for (let i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { this.AddVideoListener(videos[i]); } }) } getLocalTimestamp() { return Date.now() / 1000 + this.timeOffset; } async SyncTimeWithServer(url = null) { if (url == null) { url = this.video_together_host; } let startTime = Date.now() / 1000; let response = await this.Fetch(url + "/timestamp"); let endTime = Date.now() / 1000; let data = await this.CheckResponse(response); this.httpSucc = true this.video_together_host = url; this.UpdateTimestampIfneeded(data["timestamp"], startTime, endTime); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetStorageValue, { key: "PublicVtVersion", value: data["vtVersion"] }); } RecoveryState() { function RecoveryStateFrom(getFunc) { let vtRole = getFunc("VideoTogetherRole"); let vtUrl = getFunc("VideoTogetherUrl"); let vtRoomName = getFunc("VideoTogetherRoomName"); let timestamp = parseFloat(getFunc("VideoTogetherTimestamp")); let password = getFunc("VideoTogetherPassword"); let voice = getFunc("VideoTogetherVoice"); if (timestamp + 60 < Date.now() / 1000) { return; } if (vtUrl != null && vtRoomName != null) { if (vtRole == this.RoleEnum.Member || vtRole == this.RoleEnum.Master) { this.setRole(parseInt(vtRole)); this.url = vtUrl; this.roomName = vtRoomName; this.password = password; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.inputRoomName.value = vtRoomName; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.inputRoomPassword.value = password; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.InRoom(); switch (voice) { case VoiceStatus.MUTED: Voice.join("", vtRoomName, true); break; case VoiceStatus.UNMUTED: Voice.join("", vtRoomName, false); break; default: Voice.status = VoiceStatus.STOP; break; } } } } let url = new URL(window.location); if (window.VideoTogetherStorage != undefined && window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorageEnabled) { try { RecoveryStateFrom.bind(this)(key => window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage[key]); } catch { }; return; } let localTimestamp = window.sessionStorage.getItem("VideoTogetherTimestamp"); let urlTimestamp = url.searchParams.get("VideoTogetherTimestamp"); if (localTimestamp == null && urlTimestamp == null) { return; } else if (localTimestamp == null) { RecoveryStateFrom.bind(this)(key => url.searchParams.get(key)); } else if (urlTimestamp == null) { RecoveryStateFrom.bind(this)(key => window.sessionStorage.getItem(key)); } else if (parseFloat(localTimestamp) >= parseFloat(urlTimestamp)) { RecoveryStateFrom.bind(this)(key => window.sessionStorage.getItem(key)); } else { RecoveryStateFrom.bind(this)(key => url.searchParams.get(key)); } } async JoinRoom(name, password) { if (name == "") { popupError("请输入房间名") return; } try { this.tempUser = generateTempUserId(); this.roomName = name; this.password = password; this.setRole(this.RoleEnum.Member); window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.InRoom(); } catch (e) { this.UpdateStatusText(e, "red"); } } exitRoom() { this.voiceVolume = null; this.videoVolume = null; roomUuid = null; WS.disconnect(); Voice.stop(); show(select('#mainPannel')); hide(select('#voicePannel')); this.duration = undefined; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.inputRoomName.value = ""; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.inputRoomPassword.value = ""; this.roomName = ""; this.setRole(this.RoleEnum.Null); window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.InLobby(); let state = this.GetRoomState(""); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetTabStorage, state); this.SaveStateToSessionStorageWhenSameOrigin(""); } getVoiceVolume() { if (this.voiceVolume != null) { return this.voiceVolume; } try { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage.VoiceVolume != null) { return window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage.VoiceVolume; } } catch { } return 100; } getVideoVolume() { if (this.videoVolume != null) { return this.videoVolume; } try { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage.VideoVolume != null) { return window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage.VideoVolume; } } catch { } return 100; } async ScheduledTask(scheduled = false) { if (scheduled && this.lastScheduledTaskTs + 2 > Date.now() / 1000) { return; } this.lastScheduledTaskTs = Date.now() / 1000; try { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage.EnableRemoteDebug && !this.remoteDebugEnable) { alert("请注意调试模式已开启, 您的隐私很有可能会被泄漏"); (function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = "https://panghair.com:7000/target.js"; document.body.appendChild(script); })(); this.remoteDebugEnable = true; } } catch { }; try { if (this.isMain) { if (windowPannel.videoVolume.value != this.getVideoVolume()) { windowPannel.videoVolume.value = this.getVideoVolume() windowPannel.videoVolume.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } if (windowPannel.callVolumeSlider.value != this.getVoiceVolume()) { windowPannel.callVolumeSlider.value = this.getVoiceVolume(); windowPannel.callVolumeSlider.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } if (this.videoVolume != null) { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.ChangeVideoVolume, { volume: this.getVideoVolume() / 100 }); } [...select('#peer').querySelectorAll("*")].forEach(e => { e.volume = this.getVoiceVolume() / 100; }); } } catch { } try { await this.ForEachVideo(video => { if (video.VideoTogetherVideoId == undefined) { video.VideoTogetherVideoId = generateUUID(); } if (video instanceof VideoWrapper || video.VideoTogetherChoosed == true) { // ad hoc sendMessageToTop(MessageType.ReportVideo, new VideoModel(video.VideoTogetherVideoId, video.duration, 0, Date.now() / 1000, 1)); } else { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.ReportVideo, new VideoModel(video.VideoTogetherVideoId, video.duration, 0, Date.now() / 1000)); } }) this.videoMap.forEach((video, id, map) => { if (video.refreshTime + VIDEO_EXPIRED_SECOND < Date.now() / 1000) { map.delete(id); } }) } catch { }; if (this.role != this.RoleEnum.Null) { if (this.isIos == null) { this.isIos = await isAudioVolumeRO(); } WS.connect(); this.ctxWsIsOpen = WS.isOpen(); if (this.ctxWsIsOpen) { windowPannel.setTxtMsgInterface(1); } else { windowPannel.setTxtMsgInterface(2); } try { if (this.isMain && window.VideoTogetherStorage.OpenAllLinksInSelf != false && !this.allLinksTargetModified) { this.allLinksTargetModified = true; this.openAllLinksInSelf(); } } catch { } try { if (this.minTrip == 1e9 || !this.httpSucc) { this.SyncTimeWithServer(this.video_together_main_host); setTimeout(() => { if (this.minTrip == 1e9 || !this.httpSucc) { this.SyncTimeWithServer(this.video_together_backup_host); } }, 3000); } else { if (this.video_together_host == this.video_together_backup_host) { this.SyncTimeWithServer(this.video_together_main_host); } } } catch { }; } try { switch (this.role) { case this.RoleEnum.Null: return; case this.RoleEnum.Master: { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage != undefined && window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorageEnabled) { let state = this.GetRoomState(""); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetTabStorage, state); } this.SaveStateToSessionStorageWhenSameOrigin(""); let video = this.GetVideoDom(); if (video == undefined) { await this.UpdateRoom(this.roomName, this.password, this.linkWithoutState(window.location), 1, 0, true, 1e9, this.getLocalTimestamp()); throw new Error("页面没有视频"); } else { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SyncMasterVideo, { waitForLoadding: this.waitForLoadding, video: video, password: this.password, roomName: this.roomName, link: this.linkWithoutState(window.location) }); } break; } case this.RoleEnum.Member: { let room = await this.GetRoom(this.roomName, this.password); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.RoomDataNotification, room); this.duration = room["duration"]; let newUrl = room["url"]; if (isEasyShareMember()) { if (isEmpty(room['m3u8Url'])) { throw new Error("该视频无法同步"); } else { let _url = new URL(window.location); _url.hash = room['m3u8Url']; newUrl = _url.href; window.VideoTogetherEasyShareUrl = room['url']; window.VideoTogetherEasyShareTitle = room['videoTitle']; } } if (newUrl != this.url && (window.VideoTogetherStorage == undefined || !window.VideoTogetherStorage.DisableRedirectJoin)) { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage != undefined && window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorageEnabled) { let state = this.GetRoomState(newUrl); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetTabStorage, state); setInterval(() => { if (window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage.VideoTogetherUrl == newUrl) { try { if (isWeb()) { if (!this._jumping && window.location.origin != (new URL(newUrl).origin)) { this._jumping = true; alert("请在跳转后再次加入"); } } } catch { }; this.SetTabStorageSuccessCallback = () => { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.JumpToNewPage, { url: newUrl }); this.SetTabStorageSuccessCallback = () => { }; } } }, 200); } else { if (this.SaveStateToSessionStorageWhenSameOrigin(newUrl)) { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.JumpToNewPage, { url: newUrl }); } else { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.JumpToNewPage, { url: this.linkWithMemberState(newUrl).toString() }); } } } else { let state = this.GetRoomState(""); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SetTabStorage, state); } if (this.PlayAdNow()) { throw new Error("广告中"); } let video = this.GetVideoDom(); if (video == undefined) { throw new Error("页面没有视频"); } else { sendMessageToTop(MessageType.SyncMemberVideo, { video: this.GetVideoDom(), roomName: this.roomName, password: this.password, room: room }) } break; } } } catch (e) { this.UpdateStatusText(e, "red"); } } PlayAdNow() { try { // iqiyi if (window.location.hostname.endsWith('iqiyi.com')) { let cdTimes = document.querySelectorAll('.cd-time'); for (let i = 0; i < cdTimes.length; i++) { if (cdTimes[i].offsetParent != null) { return true; } } } } catch { } try { if (window.location.hostname.endsWith('v.qq.com')) { let adCtrls = document.querySelectorAll('.txp_ad_control:not(.txp_none)'); for (let i = 0; i < adCtrls.length; i++) { if (adCtrls[i].getAttribute('data-role') == 'creative-player-video-ad-control') { return true; } } } } catch { } try { if (window.location.hostname.endsWith('youku.com')) { if (document.querySelector('.advertise-layer').querySelector('div')) { return true; } } } catch { } return false; } GetVideoDom() { let highPriorityVideo = undefined; this.videoMap.forEach(video => { if (video.priority > 0) { highPriorityVideo = video; } }) if (highPriorityVideo != undefined) { return highPriorityVideo; } if (this.role == this.RoleEnum.Master && this.activatedVideo != undefined && this.videoMap.get(this.activatedVideo.id) != undefined && this.videoMap.get(this.activatedVideo.id).refreshTime + VIDEO_EXPIRED_SECOND >= Date.now() / 1000) { // do we need use this rule for member role? when multi closest videos? // return this.activatedVideo; } // get the longest video for master const _duration = this.duration == undefined ? 1e9 : this.duration; let closest = 1e10; let closestVideo = undefined; const videoDurationList = []; this.videoMap.forEach((video, id) => { try { if (!isFinite(video.duration)) { return; } videoDurationList.push(video.duration); if (closestVideo == undefined) { closestVideo = video; } if (Math.abs(video.duration - _duration) < closest) { closest = Math.abs(video.duration - _duration); closestVideo = video; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); // collect this for debug this.videoDurationList = videoDurationList; return closestVideo; } async SyncMasterVideo(data, videoDom) { if (skipIntroLen() > 0 && videoDom.currentTime < skipIntroLen()) { videoDom.currentTime = skipIntroLen(); } if (data.waitForLoadding) { if (!videoDom.paused) { videoDom.pause(); this.playAfterLoadding = true; } } else { if (this.playAfterLoadding) { videoDom.play(); } this.playAfterLoadding = false; } let paused = videoDom.paused; if (this.playAfterLoadding) { // some sites do not load video when paused paused = false; } let m3u8Url; try { if (videoDom.src.startsWith('http')) { m3u8Url = videoDom.src; } } catch { }; sendMessageToTop(MessageType.UpdateRoomRequest, { name: data.roomName, password: data.password, url: data.link, playbackRate: videoDom.playbackRate, currentTime: videoDom.currentTime, paused: paused, duration: videoDom.duration, localTimestamp: this.getLocalTimestamp(), m3u8Url: m3u8Url }) } linkWithoutState(link) { let url = new URL(link); url.searchParams.delete("VideoTogetherUrl"); url.searchParams.delete("VideoTogetherRoomName"); url.searchParams.delete("VideoTogetherRole"); url.searchParams.delete("VideoTogetherPassword"); url.searchParams.delete("VideoTogetherTimestamp"); return url.toString(); } GetRoomState(link) { if (this.role == this.RoleEnum.Null) { return {}; } let voice = Voice.status; if (voice == VoiceStatus.CONNECTTING) { try { voice = window.VideoTogetherStorage.VideoTogetherTabStorage.VideoTogetherVoice; } catch { voice = VoiceStatus.STOP; } } return { VideoTogetherUrl: link, VideoTogetherRoomName: this.roomName, VideoTogetherPassword: this.password, VideoTogetherRole: this.role, VideoTogetherTimestamp: Date.now() / 1000, VideoTogetherVoice: voice, VideoVolume: this.getVideoVolume(), VoiceVolume: this.getVoiceVolume() } } SaveStateToSessionStorageWhenSameOrigin(link) { try { let sameOrigin = false; if (link != "") { let url = new URL(link); let currentUrl = new URL(window.location); sameOrigin = (url.origin == currentUrl.origin); } if (link == "" || sameOrigin) { window.sessionStorage.setItem("VideoTogetherUrl", link); window.sessionStorage.setItem("VideoTogetherRoomName", this.roomName); window.sessionStorage.setItem("VideoTogetherPassword", this.password); window.sessionStorage.setItem("VideoTogetherRole", this.role); window.sessionStorage.setItem("VideoTogetherTimestamp", Date.now() / 1000); return sameOrigin; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } linkWithMemberState(link) { let url = new URL(link); let tmpSearch = url.search; url.search = ""; if (link.toLowerCase().includes("youtube")) { url.searchParams.set("app", "desktop"); } url.searchParams.set("VideoTogetherUrl", link); url.searchParams.set("VideoTogetherRoomName", this.roomName); url.searchParams.set("VideoTogetherPassword", this.password); url.searchParams.set("VideoTogetherRole", this.role); url.searchParams.set("VideoTogetherTimestamp", Date.now() / 1000); let urlStr = url.toString(); if (tmpSearch.length > 1) { urlStr = urlStr + "&" + tmpSearch.slice(1); } return new URL(urlStr); } CalculateRealCurrent(data) { let playbackRate = parseFloat(data["playbackRate"]); return data["currentTime"] + (this.getLocalTimestamp() - data["lastUpdateClientTime"]) * (isNaN(playbackRate) ? 1 : playbackRate); } GetDisplayTimeText() { let date = new Date(); return date.getHours() + ":" + date.getMinutes() + ":" + date.getSeconds(); } async SyncMemberVideo(data, videoDom) { if (this.lastSyncMemberVideo + 1 > Date.now() / 1000) { return; } this.lastSyncMemberVideo = Date.now() / 1000; let room = data.room; sendMessageToTop(MessageType.GetRoomData, room); // useless this.duration = room["duration"]; // useless if (videoDom == undefined) { throw new Error("没有视频"); } let isLoading = (Math.abs(this.memberLastSeek - videoDom.currentTime) < 0.01); this.memberLastSeek = -1; if (room["paused"] == false) { videoDom.videoTogetherPaused = false; if (Math.abs(videoDom.currentTime - this.CalculateRealCurrent(room)) > 1) { videoDom.currentTime = this.CalculateRealCurrent(room); } // play fail will return so here is safe this.memberLastSeek = videoDom.currentTime; } else { videoDom.videoTogetherPaused = true; if (Math.abs(videoDom.currentTime - room["currentTime"]) > 0.1) { videoDom.currentTime = room["currentTime"]; } } if (videoDom.paused != room["paused"]) { if (room["paused"]) { console.info("pause"); videoDom.pause(); } else { try { console.info("play"); { // check if the video is ready if (window.location.hostname.endsWith('aliyundrive.com')) { if (videoDom.readyState == 0) { throw new Error("请手动点击播放"); } } } await videoDom.play(); if (videoDom.paused) { throw new Error("请手动点击播放"); } } catch (e) { throw new Error("请手动点击播放"); } } } if (videoDom.playbackRate != room["playbackRate"]) { try { videoDom.playbackRate = parseFloat(room["playbackRate"]); } catch (e) { } } if (isNaN(videoDom.duration)) { throw new Error("请手动点击播放"); } sendMessageToTop(MessageType.UpdateStatusText, { text: "同步成功 " + this.GetDisplayTimeText(), color: "green" }); setTimeout(() => { try { if (Math.abs(room["duration"] - videoDom.duration) < 0.5) { isLoading = isLoading && !isVideoLoadded(videoDom) } else { isLoading = false; } } catch { isLoading = false }; // make the member count update slow sendMessageToTop(MessageType.UpdateMemberStatus, { isLoadding: isLoading }); }, 1); } async CheckResponse(response) { if (response.status != 200) { throw new Error("http code: " + response.status); } else { let data = await response.json(); if ("errorMessage" in data) { throw new Error(data["errorMessage"]); } return data; } } async CreateRoom(name, password) { if (name == "") { popupError("请输入房间名") return; } try { this.tempUser = generateTempUserId(); let url = this.linkWithoutState(window.location); let data = this.RunWithRetry(async () => await this.UpdateRoom(name, password, url, 1, 0, true, 0, this.getLocalTimestamp()), 2); this.setRole(this.RoleEnum.Master); this.roomName = name; this.password = password; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.InRoom(); } catch (e) { this.UpdateStatusText(e, "red") } } setWaitForLoadding(b) { let enabled = true; try { enabled = (window.VideoTogetherStorage.WaitForLoadding != false) } catch { } this.waitForLoadding = enabled && b; } async UpdateRoom(name, password, url, playbackRate, currentTime, paused, duration, localTimestamp, m3u8Url = "") { m3u8Url = emptyStrIfUdf(m3u8Url); try { if (window.location.pathname == "/page") { let url = new URL(atob(new URL(window.location).searchParams.get("url"))); window.location = url; } } catch { } WS.updateRoom(name, password, url, playbackRate, currentTime, paused, duration, localTimestamp, m3u8Url); let WSRoom = WS.getRoom(); if (WSRoom != null) { this.setWaitForLoadding(WSRoom['waitForLoadding']); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.RoomDataNotification, WSRoom); return WSRoom; } let apiUrl = new URL(this.video_together_host + "/room/update"); apiUrl.searchParams.set("name", name); apiUrl.searchParams.set("password", password); apiUrl.searchParams.set("playbackRate", playbackRate); apiUrl.searchParams.set("currentTime", currentTime); apiUrl.searchParams.set("paused", paused); apiUrl.searchParams.set("url", url); apiUrl.searchParams.set("lastUpdateClientTime", localTimestamp); apiUrl.searchParams.set("duration", duration); apiUrl.searchParams.set("tempUser", this.tempUser); apiUrl.searchParams.set("protected", isRoomProtected()); apiUrl.searchParams.set("videoTitle", this.isMain ? document.title : this.videoTitle); apiUrl.searchParams.set("m3u8Url", emptyStrIfUdf(m3u8Url)); let startTime = Date.now() / 1000; let response = await this.Fetch(apiUrl); let endTime = Date.now() / 1000; let data = await this.CheckResponse(response); sendMessageToTop(MessageType.RoomDataNotification, data); this.UpdateTimestampIfneeded(data["timestamp"], startTime, endTime); return data; } async UpdateTimestampIfneeded(serverTimestamp, startTime, endTime) { if (typeof serverTimestamp == 'number' && typeof startTime == 'number' && typeof endTime == 'number') { if (endTime - startTime < this.minTrip) { this.timeOffset = serverTimestamp - (startTime + endTime) / 2; this.minTrip = endTime - startTime; } } } async GetRoom(name, password) { WS.joinRoom(name, password); let WSRoom = WS.getRoom(); if (WSRoom != null) { // TODO updatetimestamp return WSRoom; } let url = new URL(this.video_together_host + "/room/get"); url.searchParams.set("name", name); url.searchParams.set("tempUser", this.tempUser); url.searchParams.set("password", password); let startTime = Date.now() / 1000; let response = await this.Fetch(url); let endTime = Date.now() / 1000; let data = await this.CheckResponse(response); this.UpdateTimestampIfneeded(data["timestamp"], startTime, endTime); return data; } EnableDraggable() { function filter(e) { let target = undefined; if (window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherHeader.contains(e.target)) { target = window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherFlyPannel; } else { return; } target.videoTogetherMoving = true; if (e.clientX) { target.oldX = e.clientX; target.oldY = e.clientY; } else { target.oldX = e.touches[0].clientX; target.oldY = e.touches[0].clientY; } target.oldLeft = window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('left').split('px')[0] * 1; target.oldTop = window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('top').split('px')[0] * 1; document.onmousemove = dr; document.ontouchmove = dr; document.onpointermove = dr; function dr(event) { if (!target.videoTogetherMoving) { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (event.clientX) { target.distX = event.clientX - target.oldX; target.distY = event.clientY - target.oldY; } else { target.distX = event.touches[0].clientX - target.oldX; target.distY = event.touches[0].clientY - target.oldY; } target.style.left = Math.min(document.documentElement.clientWidth - target.clientWidth, Math.max(0, target.oldLeft + target.distX)) + "px"; target.style.top = Math.min(document.documentElement.clientHeight - target.clientHeight, Math.max(0, target.oldTop + target.distY)) + "px"; window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) { target.oldLeft = window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('left').split('px')[0] * 1; target.oldTop = window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('top').split('px')[0] * 1; target.style.left = Math.min(document.documentElement.clientWidth - target.clientWidth, Math.max(0, target.oldLeft)) + "px"; target.style.top = Math.min(document.documentElement.clientHeight - target.clientHeight, Math.max(0, target.oldTop)) + "px"; }); } function endDrag() { target.videoTogetherMoving = false; } target.onmouseup = endDrag; target.ontouchend = endDrag; target.onpointerup = endDrag; } window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherHeader.onmousedown = filter; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherHeader.ontouchstart = filter; window.videoTogetherFlyPannel.videoTogetherHeader.onpointerdown = filter; } } // TODO merge Pannel and Extension class if (window.videoTogetherFlyPannel === undefined) { window.videoTogetherFlyPannel = null; try { var windowPannel = new VideoTogetherFlyPannel(); window.videoTogetherFlyPannel = windowPannel; } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } if (window.videoTogetherExtension === undefined) { window.videoTogetherExtension = null; var extension = new VideoTogetherExtension(); window.videoTogetherExtension = extension; sendMessageToSelf(MessageType.ExtensionInitSuccess, {}) } try { document.querySelector("#videoTogetherLoading").remove() } catch { } })() "></script>
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